How To Get Rid Of Cramps | Period Cramps.

How To Get Rid Of Cramps

 Period Cramps

Approximately 80% of women experience some distress and fatigue or pain during menstruation.

The first to know about menstruation:

Changes are occurring in the lining of the uterus in women during of childbearing age, which may be, and lead to the descent of menstruation (menstruation) or allow to complete the process of fertilization of Eggs, sperm, and that happens every 28 days in the Regular sessions. "Menstruation" is the beginning of the bleeding Vagina, which is the beginning of the beginning of puberty And fertility, and the girl in which they become capable of pregnancy, a period or menstrual bleeding from three to seven days.

how to get rid of cramps

Period begins and the monthly cycle of hormones until the interruption is a period of a woman's fertility, as during the menstrual cycle, the female body sexually mature two operations separate the two: the maturing of one of the eggs on the surface of the ovary and modify the wall of the uterus to be prepared for pregnancy if it happened fertilization of the egg.

Pain and menstrual cramps:

Many women suffer from colic during Menstrual cycles. Painful menstrual cramps occur called Dysmenorrhea also in the lower abdomen and pelvis in general, But can be seen in other areas As the lower back, pelvis or upper detailed thighs. 

Can be menstrual cramps Easy to moderate, is still a day for three days, usually. Suffer about 10% of the women who spoke overnight with Menstrual cramps, and severe pain of not being able to work performed exercises or play for several hours to several days a month.

When should I get treatment for menstrual pain? 

If you've started menstruating within the In recent years, suffering from menstrual cramps, It is likely to be the mother of the menstrual cycle that you are suffering does not constitute a A source of concern. If menstrual cramps disrupt your life for several days Per month, or if you are the greatest in the past and just started to feel severe Menstrual cramps, and nationalism, in these cases, you should consult your doctor to diagnose the situation and get a treat menstrual pain manner.

how to get rid of cramps

Causes pain and menstrual cramps: 

During the menstrual cycle Constriction the muscles of the uterus to help dismantle and take out the lining The uterus. Materials such as a hormone called prostaglandin (and materials are to be included in the reactions of inflammation and pain in the body) lead to contractions of the Uterine muscle. Therefore, high levels of prostaglandins lead to menstrual cramps and severe menstrual pain. 

Many experts believe that the severe contractions of the uterus and lead to a contraction of narrowing of blood vessels Nourish the uterus, causing a shortage in the uterine muscle ischemia and therefore the feeling of pain of the The menstrual cycle. This can be compared to the pain the pain caused by angina that occurs when the coronary arteries are tightened and lead to a shortage in the supply of food and oxygen to parts the heart. 

Menstrual cramps and menstrual pain can also be caused by one of the following reasons: 

Endometrial migratory: In this case the Health painful tissue culture that connects the womb in the normal situation in places Outside the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube and ovary or the tissue lining the basin

Coming in the next lesson ( Treat Cramps And Menstrual Pain )
To follow up on the previous lesson ( How To Get Rid Of Cramps ).